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Do you want to know how you can live to stream your music on YouTube? How about being able to live stream video on youtube 24/7? This is a really good tip, that will be Any live streaming concert’s key element helpful for you. So stick around!

YouTube Live is an easy way for creators to reach their community in real-time. Whether streaming an event, teaching a class, or hosting a workshop, YouTube has tools that will help manage live streams and interact with viewers.

Every day, people from around the world come to YouTube to experience the world's biggest cultural moments. Whether hosting a live charity event, a town hall meeting, or a press conference about breaking news, YouTube Live and Premieres allow creators to bring viewers together to learn, discuss and form new social communities.

Creators can live stream on YouTube via webcam, mobile, or encoder streaming. Webcam and mobile are considered great options for beginners and allow creators to go live quickly.

 Encoder streaming is ideal for more advanced live streams such as: sharing the creator's screen or broadcasting gameplay, connecting to external audio and video hardware, and managing an advanced live stream production (like multiple cameras and microphones).

Music Industry and Artists are facing challenges due to COVID Pandemic. It canceled all the live events as well as the celebration of festivals. All social gathering programs are not allowed for one year. Then how do these artists make their earnings? We can probably say that this pandemic snatched their livelihood.

Thanks to Digital Media. It makes everything possible. It provides an outlet for them to continue their careers, connect with their fans, and raise money themselves. YouTube provides the feature of Live Streaming. These artists can hold their virtual shows and events for their audience.

 Any live streaming concert’s key element is a good voice, all pieces of equipment needed, and good sound effects to engage their audience. Without music and sound effects any concert is dull, boring, and Lifeless.  gives you all the sound effects at no charge. It is compatible with all of the leading live-streaming platforms, such as YouTube, Twitch, and Facebook Gaming.

In the following guide, we will explain everything you need to know about How Do You Play Music On YouTube Livestream


To do live streaming on YouTube, you need the following pieces of equipment:

A computer with a cable internet connection

No doubt, you can stream from your mobile device. But we recommend you use a computer. As the internet speed will be faster.

A Microphone

Definitely, during live streaming, you need to talk with your audience.

Audio source

You will need an audio device such as that you can connect to your computer. You can even connect your microphone and use it for audio.

The sound from your mixer/microphone needs to be added as an “input audio source” in your streaming software. has a large database of sound effects. Every sound effect has arranged into 12 categories.

More info:

Audio Mixer

An audio mixer is a device that takes all the inputs, processing them, and gives back an output. Voicemeeter is the best-known audio mixer to date. Many popular Live streamers use Voicemeeter as an audio mixer. It is very simple to use. You can connect up to 3 input devices with the voice meeter.

Steps to Play Music In YouTube Livestream

The installation steps are given below:

  1. Download VoiceMeeter and Soundboard of your choice.
  2. Then go to task manager then open the startup tab and enable these two apps.
  3. Now, Enable VoiceMeeter output and input. Set the input of VoiceMeeter as the output of Soundboard.
  4. Select your microphone and speakers as your hardware input and output respectively.
  5.  The last step is to make sure that YouTube is using VoiceMeeter out as its input device.

Final Words

Well, this is all about How to play music in YouTube  Livestreaming. Follow these steps and enjoy live streaming. In case any query, do let us know in the comments section. Don’t forget to share it with your dear ones.

Thanks for reading!